We'd Love to Hear Your Story

Discussion about anything and everything related to assistive technology.
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Open Access-A-Me
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Joined: 6 years ago

We'd Love to Hear Your Story

Post by Open Access-A-Me » 6 years ago

Hi all,

We'd love to hear more about your experiences. We are an assistive technology company seeking to change lives. This questionnaire should not take you more than five minutes: https://goo.gl/forms/AtUhDqbblltBG19k2

If you're interested in telling us more, please feel free to reach out at [email protected]

Open Access-A-Me Team

Posts: 1
Joined: 6 years ago

Post by Seamus » 6 years ago

Hi I am Seamus, several years I was going to do my laundry. It was a sunny Sunday in Ft Worth TX, I took my laundry out to my truck and noticed I had a flat tire. I was a capable man, I got out the jack, went to place it under the front wheel and when I went to stand up POP... I am now sitting on my backside, on blacktop, it’s 104 degrees and my knee is pointing in a strange direction. A neighbor saw me, came to check on me, called 911...
I had ruptured my quadriceps rectus. After consultation with orthopedic surgeon, I was not a good candidate for surgery. I wear a leg brace and use a cane around the house but need a walker if I wanna get more adventurous.
I also have a vision issue, I have double vision and have had it since I was a boy, but like many things it has gotten worse over time. This issue prevented me from getting approved for hand controls for driving.
So that’s the bulk of my story, at the moment I now live in Washington near my daughter. Single male, with a vivid imagination. Looking to make friends, and pen pals. Some way to connect with people who are in similar situations.
Thanks for reading, looking forward to getting to know y’all.
Be safe and Find the Awe

Posts: 3
Joined: 6 years ago

Post by MiniMouse » 6 years ago

Hi everyone!
My story is a long and detailed one but I'll shorten it. If y'all have any question I'd be happy to answer. When I was 11 I was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor that destroyed my eyesight. I underwent cancer treatment and have been in remission for many years now, but I am legally blind in both eyes and. I am now working on a master's degree that I hope to finish very soon.
I am pretty new to this site and excited to hear from others who share some of the same difficulties that I have.

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