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Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 10:36 am
by MissZee
  :-( :-( :-( :-(  :cry: :cry: :-( :-( :-( :-(

a quote i found on youtube about black holes and life...

~ When it comes time for me to cross my event horizon, I hope I can approach it having lived for such a noble cause. One way or another, there's a "black hole" waiting for us at the end of our lives... and no one knows what happens when you cross to the other side. ~

other then the 5 sences.. how can we tell if this is reality or not....

does anyone ever wonder if this is all real or not? ...

like if were dreaming right now?....

im on anit depressant and on another med for id disorter, but i think i need some other meds for these thoughts...

i been asking myself stuff like this for a while now... and i want to know..

i want to know if im dead or alive or if im something else..........

i did try and kill my self for the first time this year.. (sleep pill over dose).so i guess thats one way of finding out.. but i wonder if theres another way...

Misszee do you have a doctor or therapist who is keeping tabs on you? You could always ask...

i do / did have one but now im getting a new doc..and im scard about opening up to them and.. its a long story that no one here wants to here me talk about

and now im just babbling..

does anyone on here ever wonder if we are alive or if were dead. how can we know for sure?

Re: .d.e.a.t.h.?

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:38 pm
by Coll

You are in great company with those thoughts.  Many great philosophers have asked those same questions.

I used to ask them too.  Now I don't worry about it.  I figure even if I'm a frog dreaming I'm a person I want to live what life I have here and now so I'll have no regrets when it's over.

Re: .d.e.a.t.h.?

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:00 pm
by MissZee
im glad im not the only one thinking about this!  :lol: :-D :-) 8-)

i wonder what kind of philosophers your talking abouts.

LoL  thats a good consept haha being a frog! your silly! :p

thank you so much for even talking too me. most don't. but you did.
thank you so much! sending lots of love your way! <3 


You are in great company with those thoughts.  Many great philosophers have asked those same questions.

I used to ask them too.  Now I don't worry about it.  I figure even if I'm a frog dreaming I'm a person I want to live what life I have here and now so I'll have no regrets when it's over.

Re: .d.e.a.t.h.?

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 7:14 pm
by Coll
Oh boy, you would ask which philosophers.  It's been decades since I studies philosophy and have had brain damage and drugs that have scrambled my brain since then.  I could call my son and ask him since he is in the middle of studying it, but then he would want to talk about it and not sure my brain can handle that.
Not many people come into the forum. Most just go into the chat room, so don't feel bad that few respond.
Have you tried the chatroom?  It does take some time to get use to.